You will gain a thorough understanding of data frame manipulation as well as combining, transposing and appending tables. The course will also teach essential skills to program efficiently, covering loops, creating user-defined functions, managing an R environment and programming best practices
Anyone who has a basic understanding of R or has attended our Learn R: Introduction course.
Basic knowledge of R, as covered by Learn R: Introduction. Including: Using and manipulating base R data types and structures (vectors, factors, matrices, lists, data.frames); reading/writing data; basic data manipulation in the tidyverse (tibbles and the essential dplyr verbs); string manipulation and date processing; conditional logic.
The courses are taught using the following versions of R language and R packages.
R version: 4.2.1
R packages:
If your organization uses a different version of R or the above listed packages, please contact us for more information on the minimal technical requirements for this course.
A summary of dplyr verbs and magrittr
Our courses are live instructor-led and delivered virtually.