Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

Amadeus Software Limited t/a Katalyze Data (“Katalyze Data”) is committed to acting ethically and with integrity and this modern slavery and human trafficking statement details our commitment to improving our practices to combat slavery and human trafficking pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the “Act”).

1    Katalyze Data’s organisation and structure

Katalyze Data is a professional services provider operating as a data consultancy. Our primary activities are the provision of consulting services relating to data, managed services of analytical data environments, provision of training and the recruiting and training graduates in our own academy across a range of technical and business disciplines. We then supply our consultancy services to clients across the UK and Europe.

2    Katalyze Data supply chain

Our primary supply chain activity is in the reselling of analytical software and recruitment of graduate candidates in the U.K. In addition to this, our supply chain includes the procurement of the following services:

  • IT equipment and software
  • Cloud based storage software
  • Professional Services from our corporate advisers and other data consultancies
  • Digital marketing services including web design
  • Utility services for our head office, including recruitment which is conducted through employment agencies

Katalyze Data has adopted procedures, such as supplier audits, to assess suppliers before engaging with a particular product or service.

We have appropriate policies in place that underpin our commitment to ensure that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. We continuously review and update all our policies.

3    Katalyze Data’s approach to reporting potential instances of modern slavery and human trafficking

We take a zero-tolerance approach to any cases of modern slavery or human trafficking identified in our supply chain or our business. Members of staff are made aware of the actions and behaviours that are expected of them when representing the company, and there are clear employment policies and procedures in place which they are expected to comply with. The firm has a number of policies and procedures in place that either contribute directly or indirectly to ensuring modern slavery does not occur in our business activities or supply chains which include:

Recruitment – we have a robust recruitment processes in line with UK employment legislation, including identity verification checks, right to work document checks, evidence of qualifications and reference checks. Our recruitment methods include direct advertising, direct referrals from members of staff and reputable agencies.

Whistleblowing – our employees are encouraged to raise whistleblowing concerns with their direct line manager. However, where the employee prefers not to raise the issue with their manager for any reason, they have the option of contacting the Managing Director.

4    Looking Ahead

Katalyze Data is committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in its corporate activities, and to ensuring that its supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking. Throughout our 2024/25 financial year, we will continue to assess the risk of slavery and human trafficking in our own business and supply chains by providing training to all members of staff and reviewing our processes and procedures to identify areas for improvement. A further statement will be published following the financial year ending 31 March 2025.

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