Learn R: Visualisation using ggplot2

Standard Course
£400 +VAT
per delegate
Course duration: 1 Day

The material covered in this course enables you to build many customised plots in R from scratch as well thoroughly exploring ggplot2 capabilities.

Who is it for?

This course assumes no knowledge of visualisation techniques, but attendees should have a basic knowledge of the R language to gain the most value from learning about visualisations.


This course assumes no knowledge of visualisation techniques, but attendees should have a basic knowledge of the R language to gain the most value from learning about visualisations. This includes the topics taught in Learn R: Introduction, such as: Using and manipulating base R data types and structures (vectors, factors, lists, data.frames); reading/writing data; basic data manipulation in the tidyverse (tibbles and the essential dplyr verbs). 

The courses are taught using the following versions of R language and R packages.

R version: 4.2.1

R packages:

  • Ggplot2: 4.4
  • Scales: 1.2.1
  • Lubridate: 1.9.2
  • Forcats: 1.0.0
  • Readr: 2.1.4
  • Dplyr: 1.1.4

If your organization uses a different version of R  or the above listed packages, please contact us for more information on the minimal technical requirements for this course.

What you will learn

  • An introduction to creating visualisations in Base R

  • ggplot2 introduction
  • Scatter plot
  • Bar chart
  • Histogram
  • Line charts

  • Introduction to aesthetics
  • Fixed and data driven aesthetics
  • Exploring visualisation options: size, colour, shape
  • Combining visualisations
  • Summarising and plotting grouped data

  • Titles, legends, and axes
  • Data annotations
  • Reference lines
  • Visualisation colours and themes

Learn R: Visualisation using ggplot2 Course Dates

Our courses are live instructor-led and delivered virtually.

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