How to use pandas case_when()

  • Pandas
  • Python
  • SQL
  • DataFrame

By Michael Walshe

Pandas is the most popular Python package for data manipulation and analysis, providing a high-level tool for flexible manipulation of data in a tabular format. It just released version 2.2.0, the second minor release in the 2.0 series, and likely the last minor release before pandas 3.0 is scheduled to arrive in April!

Included are several new features, bug fixes, deprecations, and performance enhancements. Here we share a few of the most notable changes, but please go read the release notes for a full overview.


A new Series method: Series.case_when

The first new feature is a new method for a Series, that allows you to replace values based on a set of conditions. This is the most exciting change in 2.2.0 for me, as it’s something that I and the community have been requesting for a long time (see various StackOverflow posts with over 2m collective views at 1, 2, and 3).

Previously, there were several different ways to conditionally create or alter columns in pandas:, np.where, Series.where, Series.mask, and of course <Series/DataFrame>.loc. All of these have their place, but for the use-case of checking a series of conditions and returning values they all had problems, from readability to requiring you to use functionality outside of pandas. A new pandas function that cleanly solves this common problem in data wrangling has been long overdue!


Let’s create an example dataframe:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd


df = pd.DataFrame(
"A": np.random.choice(list("ABC"), 50),
"B": np.random.choice(list("XYZ"), 50),
"C": np.random.random(50)*2 - 1,
"D": pd.date_range("2020-01-01", periods=50, freq="D"),

   A    B C D
0    C    Y -0.602569 2020-01-01
1    A    X -0.988956 2020-01-02
2    C    Y 0.630923 2020-01-03
3    C    X 0.413715 2020-01-04
4    A    Y 0.458014 2020-01-05


Now we can create a new column in that dataframe based on an existing column using case_when:

# The only argument to case_when is a list of tuples
# of the form: (condition, value)
df["E"] = df["A"].case_when(
        (df["A"] == "A", "A is A"),
        (df["B"] == "X", "B is X"),

df[["A", "B", "E"]].head()
0 C Y C
1 A X A is A
2 C Y C
3 C X B is X
4 A Y A is A


Note two important things:

  • The conditions are applied such that if a condition is True, then the remaining conditions are ignored (Note: this isn’t how it’s implemented, so there are no performance improvements from “short-circuiting”)
  • The default values used (for when no conditions match) are the values from the original Series

We can also use Callables (a function) for the conditions or replacements, these will be passed the Series that case_when is called on as an argument, for example:

df["E"] = df["A"].case_when(
        (df["D"].dt.is_month_start, lambda s: s + ": At month start"),
        (lambda s: s == "A", df["A"] + "A")

df[["A", "D", "E"]].head()
0 C 2020-01-01 C: At month start
1 A 2020-01-02 AA
2 C 2020-01-03 C
3 C 2020-01-04 C
4 A 2020-01-05 AA


As a final handy trick, if you want to use your own default value, you can either create a new constant Series to use as the input, or have a final condition in your caselist argument that is always true:

  • Method 1:
df["E"] = pd.Series(np.nan, index=df.index).case_when(
        (df["A"] == "A", 0),
        (df["C"] < 0.25, -df["C"]),

0 0.602569
1 0.000000
2 NaN
3 NaN
4 0.000000
  • Method 2:
df["E"] = df["C"].case_when(
        (df["A"] == "A", 0),
        (df["C"] < 0.25, -df["C"]),
        (pd.Series(True), np.nan)

0 0.602569
1 0.000000
2 NaN
3 NaN
4 0.000000


More performant database drivers with ADBC

Pandas now supports Arrow ADBC drivers when reading from or writing to a database. This leads to much better performance, better type handling, and is part of the general move to a pandas backed by Arrow as well as NumPy.


Here we connect to a local SQLite database with SQLAlchemy, and using the ADBC drivers. As we’ll see, using these (not very scientific) benchmarks we get a huge performance improvement!

import timeit

import adbc_driver_sqlite.dbapi
import sqlalchemy as sa

engine = sa.create_engine("sqlite:///temp.db")

with (
    engine.connect() as conn1,
    adbc_driver_sqlite.dbapi.connect("temp.db") as conn2,
    df = pd.DataFrame(
        np.random.randint(10_000, size=(100_000, 10)), columns=list("abcdefghij")

        "Writing using the default driver: ",
        timeit.timeit(lambda: df.to_sql("TEST", conn1, if_exists="replace"), number=10),
        "Writing using ADBC: ",
        timeit.timeit(lambda: df.to_sql("TEST", conn2, if_exists="replace"), number=10),
        "Reading using the default driver: ",
        timeit.timeit(lambda: pd.read_sql("TEST", conn1), number=10),
        "Reading using ADBC: ",
        timeit.timeit(lambda: pd.read_sql("TEST", conn2), number=10),

Writing using the default driver:  8.174787900003139
Writing using ADBC:  1.3331496000173502
Reading using the default driver:  4.264690399984829
Reading using ADBC:  0.5991979999816976


Improved Functionality for Processing Structured Columns

The final new feature to mention is again part of the move to an Arrow backed pandas. There is now more functionality and support for nested PyArrow data, with the struct and list Series accessors. This makes working with columns that contain structured data (such as list columns or custom structures) much easier. There are only a few methods at the moment, but this could be the start of array and struct columns as first class citizens in pandas.


Often, you may receive structured data via JSON, such as the below:

from io import StringIO
import pyarrow as pa

raw_data = StringIO(
        {"A": [1, 2, 3],},
        {"A": [4, 5]},
        {"A": [6]}

df = pd.read_json(

0 [1 2 3]
1 [4 5]
2 [6]


We can now use built-in pandas methods to interact with these PyArrow structures:

  • List Accessors:

0    1
1    4
2    6
dtype: int64[pyarrow]

  • List Functions:

0    1
1    2
2    3
3    4
4    5
5    6
dtype: int64[pyarrow]


We hope that has provided you with some insight into getting the best results when using the latest pandas release. Feel free to reach out to any of the consultants or training team if you have specific questions on how to use any of the SAS or opensource software. We are always looking for the best solutions for our customers and ensure that we stay up to date with the latest releases so, once pandas 3.0 lands we will be providing a summary on the key features and how you can make best use of them!

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